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League Standings

Your league's playoff format is Last Man Standing. Your league will continue to cut one team each week until there's only one team left.

Guillotine Champion

Team Avg Points per Week Remaining FAAB Near Death Experiences Week Wins
SKOL Sisters
Brian F.
114.03 64 7 2

Chopped Teams

Team Chop Week Chop Week Points Avg Points per Week Near Death Experiences Week Wins
Lil Jon and the Breeceside Boyz 1 44.22 44.22 0 0
wow23 2 68.30 80.53 0 0
BigFeetBurdie 3 60.24 78.06 0 0
lavender gooms 4 86.70 101.54 0 0
Heisenberg 5 76.44 91.72 1 0
@CableBoxScore 6 69.42 94.50 0 0
Nix in a Box 7 64.54 99.74 1 1
James Leigh Cook 8 83.54 101.07 0 1
Hooked on a Thielen 9 92.46 93.08 2 0
Fumbling Idiots 10 85.64 106.74 0 0
Laney Boggs 11 98.18 104.68 0 0
Janey Briggs 12 95.36 122.81 1 3
Dude Where’s my Carr 13 115.76 120.52 0 1
HoboSamurai 14 101.54 107.77 2 0
Occam’s Razor 15 128.74 125.66 0 3
Rhinostrong 16 121.68 117.30 2 3
Fantasy_Dads 17 128.48 119.52 1 3