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League Message Board

League Full
ryetookay (Laney Boggs)
Posted: 8/18/2024
The league is full. Our draft is a six hour slow-draft. I'm going to adjust the draft to start ASAP. Hope that works. If you aren't completely ready, you still have six hours while you're on the clock to get ready. Make sure to check the scoring rules. They are pretty basic PPR rules, but make sure to check. 14 player roster. For those that haven't played Guillotine yet, I wouldn't worry too much about how the waivers and everything work yet. I'd get through the draft first. One more reminder...Lowest scoring team each week gets eliminated. Let that be your North Star. Let me know what questions you have.
Reply #1
League Full
ryetookay (Laney Boggs)
Posted: 8/18/2024
Draft is set to begin Monday morning at 800am Eastern. Order will randomize sometime soon, not sure when.