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League Message Board

League Message
Rhinostrong (Rhinostrong)
Posted: 9/26/2024
So again I know I out bid for some of the FA are we only allowed 1 pickup
Reply #1
League Message
ramsfan920 (Janey Briggs)
Posted: 9/28/2024
You’re probably cutting the same guy twice. You need to make sure you have contingency cuts
Reply #2
League Message
ryetookay (Laney Boggs)
Posted: 11/13/2024
Sorry. I just saw your post. I guess I hadn't been checking the chat. I hope you got things figured out. If not: I also tend to only use the website. I know I may be in the minority with, but I find all fantasy leagues are easier to manage on a computer so I am very limited on all the apps.